Private security networks. TETRA networks
1/2"R Cable - HELIAX® LDF4-50A, Corrugated copper coaxial cable, PE jacket (Halogen-free, non-flame retardant)
Ground Kit for 7/8" cable
Lambda/4 DIN7/16 surge arrester (female-male) 380-520MHZ (TETRA)
Ref.: BN 766419
Surge arrester 7-16 connectors, 3000W, Frequency 380-512 MHz - Lambda/4
7/8"R Cable - AVA5-50FX, HELIAX® Andrew Virtual Air™, Corrugated copper coaxial cable, PE jacket (halogen free, non-flame retardant)
7/8"R Cable - AVA5RK-50, HELIAX® Andrew Virtual Air™, Corrugated copper coaxial cable, fire retardant polyolefin jacket (CPR Class: B2ca- s1, d2,a1)
1/2"R Cable - HELIAX® LDF4-50A, Corrugated copper coaxial cable, fire retardant polyolefin cover (CPR Class: B2ca-s1a-d1,a1)
1/2"Superflexible Cable - HELIAX® FSJ4-50B, Corrugated copper coaxial cable, PE jacket (halogen free, non-flame retardant)
Corrugated cables
1/2" Superflexible Fire Retardant Coaxial Cable, FSJ4RK-50B
Ref.: FSJ4RK-50B
1/2"Superflexible Cable - HELIAX® FSJ4-50B, Corrugated copper coaxial cable, fire retardant polyolefin cover (CPR Class: B2ca-s1a-d1-a1)
1/4"Superflexible Cable - HELIAX® FSJ4-50B, Corrugated copper coaxial cable, PE jacket (halogen free, non-flame retardant)
Corrugated cables
1/4" Superflexible Fire Retardant Coaxial Cable, FSJ1RK-50B
Ref.: FSJ1RK-50B
1/4"Superflexible Cable - HELIAX® FSJ4-50B, Corrugated copper coaxial cable, fire retardant polyolefin cover (CPR Class:B2ca s1a d0 a1)
1/4"R Cable - HELIAX® LDF1-50, Corrugated copper coaxial cable, PE jacket (halogen free, non-flame retardant)
1/4"R Cable - HELIAX® LDF1-50, Corrugated copper coaxial cable, fire retardant polyolefin cover (CPR Class:B2ca s1a d0 a1)
Cell-Max™ Omni Antenna for Indoor Coverage, 350–470 MHz, 617-960MHz and 1710–6000 MHz
Gas surge arrester, N female-N female connector, DC to 3 GHz
Load N female, 50 Ohm, 1Watt, 4GHz
Rosenberger N male straight connector for 1/2"R corrugated cable
Rosenberger N male straight connector for 1/2" corrugated cable Superflexible
Rosenberger N male straight connector for 1/2"R corrugated cable
Rosenberger N male straight connector for 1.1/4"R corrugated cable
Rosenberger N male straight connector for 1.5/8"R corrugated cable
Load N male, 50 Ohm, 1Watt, 4GHz
Andrew Type N Male angled connector for cable 1/2" FSJ4-50B
Andrew Type N Female Straight Connector for 1/4"S Cable FSJ1-50A
Andrew Connector Type N Straight Male for 1/4"S Cable FSJ1-50A